Daniel Chapter 3. I Will Not Bow Down!
King Nebuchadnezzar ordered that all people of all Nations bow down to his 90-ft high by 9-ft wide golden image whenever they heard loud music playing.  If anyone did not bow down to the golden image after hearing loud music played, they would immediately be thrown into a fiery furnace.
When the king found out that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not bow down to the image he was furious and confronted them. He said I'll give you another chance to bow down right now and if you don't then I will immediately throw you into the fiery furnace. In the king's arrogance he made the mistake of saying that if I throw you in the furnace, “then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” Wow! How arrogant!
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego believed God could rescue them but also said that even if God did not rescue them they still would not bow down to other gods.  But God DID deliver them! 
The pressures of Life can seem so demanding for us to defy God's loving laws for us to follow. Temptations from unbelievers can seem so powerful, almost like a command to do evil, so it's hard to stay faithful to the Lord. But God calls us to be faithful. God will empower us through his Holy Spirit to be faithful. Here are some results that could or will occur if one does not bow down to the demands of the world and unbelievers:
1) Your faithfulness to the Lord will result in great rewards in heaven.
2) You may die or be persecuted and probably forgotten by the world, but not forgotten by God.
3) You may be ostracized from any social popular group.
4) But also, someone may get saved because of your faithfulness to the Lord. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's faithfulness resulted in King Nebuchadnezzar believing in God and praising Him.  Your faithfulness may be the very thing God uses to minister to an unbeliever's heart and cause a conviction that breaks them down before the Lord. God wants to use our faithfulness as a tool and testimony of his light and truth so others can come to know him.
What are you willing to sacrifice for the Lord? Remember, this life on Earth is temporary, so let's stay faithful to the Lord regardless of the outcome on Earth. Then get ready, because God will use your faithfulness as a tool to speak to someone's life. Who knows what person's life will be changed for ETERNITY because of your faithfulness?!