Ezekiel Chapter 46. You can pray and worship God anywhere.
In this chapter, the Israelites are commanded by God on every Sabbath and New Moons to worship the Lord at the East Gate. Since this is the gate God's glory entered, then this is the place the people were to worship.
Today, things are a little different.  After Jesus's death, he left his Holy Spirit to indwell within every believer. We are not limited to one location for worshiping the Lord.
Yes, we should meet with other Christians in worship and fellowship (Hebrews 10:24-25). But, also, we can worship God anywhere at any time. We can be in our car driving, walking down the street, at our job place, in a restaurant, laying in our bed, etc etc etc.
1) Get established in a church fellowship with other believers for corporate worship to the Lord and for the building up of one another.
2) Throughout the day, take time to communicate with the Lord.  Share your heart, praise and thank him for the many blessings you have or experience or see, and pray for people that cross your paths.
I love you guys!