Ezekiel chapter 43. Let the glory of God be seen through you.
In this chapter, God's glory returns to the temple. And he also gives vision of the altar where sacrifices for sins would be made. God wants holy people so his holy spirit and glory can dwell within them.
When the glory of God is present, people are overwhelmed by it. Ezekiel fell to the ground before the Lord. I want the glory of God dwelling inside of me. I recognize that apart from God I can do nothing for the kingdom of God. I need the indwelling of his Holy Spirit. Just as Ezekiel saw the glory of God, so will people see the glory of God in and through our lives if we are yielded to the Lord, Surrendered to the Lord, Holy before the Lord.
In the Old Testament, people were made holy as they made animal sacrifices to the Lord. They were forgiven of any sin and made whole. But Jesus made the one sacrifice, once and for all, that is sufficient for forgiving all people and all sins. We don't have to make anymore animal sacrifices. We need to accept by faith the work of Christ at the cross. He shed his blood for our forgiveness. Receive this and you will be made righteous and holy. 
We will still battle with our sin nature and will at times mess up and sin. Now instead of making a sacrifice, we are asked to repent and confess our sins to the Lord. Then we are forgiven and made righteous again.
That's why it's so important to approach the Lord in holiness, because if we approach him in an unholy state, and expect his glory to shine through us, then we are deceived! When you come into the presence of the Lord, be broken and let your hearts bow to him in humility. Confess your sins and be forgiven and made whole. Then be ready for the glory of God to shine in and through you to impact lives around you for the kingdom of God.
Does this not excite you!!!!!
God actually wants to dwell within every believer in Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit so that his glory might be evident to a lost world. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to Proclaim hope to a lost world!! How could you not help but want to be a part of that?
Have a good day.