Ezekiel Chapter 42. Yuck, get that away from me!
In this chapter we read about the outside dimension of the Temple. 875 ft by 875 ft and there was a wall built around it in order to maintain Holiness within the temple so that nothing on the outside, that was unholy, could come in and contaminate that which was Holy.
It's the same for every believer and follower of Christ. Our bodies (our temples) are to be holy and we are to keep our bodies from being contaminated by anything in the world. We should despise evil and want nothing to do with it in our presence.  “Yuck! Get it away from me!” We are to have a spiritual wall of protection around us so that we don't lose focus of Christ and hinder our relationship with Him.
How can we protect ourselves from being contaminated by the things of the world?
1) Be daily in God's Word. Psalm 119:9,11 Read it.
2) Be in church vs forsaking it. Hebrews 10:25.
3) Surround yourself with Christian influences. I Corinthians 15:33 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
I hope you took/take time to read each Bible passage.
How is your spiritual walk with the Lord? You can often answer that question by seeing how you are doing in the three mentioned areas. 
It's amazing when life gets busy what we cut out of our everyday life. We keep time for our social media or our extra curricular activities or our sports or our hobbies. But usually what we end up cutting back on or eliminating from our lives is our time in God's Word or our time in church. Eventually we find ourselves no longer surrounded by Christian influence. We end up finding ourselves making decisions that fulfill our worldly cravings versus drawing us closer to the Lord.
*  God's Word is his Truth and Love letter to us. 
*  Church is the opportunity to grow in our faith and be encouraged by other Christians. 
*  Christian influence helps us stay focused on what's really important in life as we think of our relationship with Lord.
How is your spiritual walk? Are you contaminated by the things of this world?