Ezekiel Chapter 33. Sharing our faith is a big responsibility but God doesn't send us out alone to do it.
I'd like to highlight three key things I drew from chapter 33.
1) God is calling us all to be a watchman. In other words we all have a responsibility to reach those without Christ. To reject this responsibility is to turn our backs to the lost. So if someone dies in their sins, and God put them in our path to share our faith with but we don't, their blood will be on our heads.
2) God does not delight in seeing people die in their sins. Some people feel the God of the Old Testament is Not “Just” or Fair because he “Killed” so many people. What people don't realize is that the God in the Old Testament warned the people over and over and over and over and over and over and over again that they would die for their sins unless they turned from their sins and turned to him. For years he would warn them and when they did not listen they suffered the consequences of their sins. 
It's no different today. We have the Bible that shares God's love but also warns everyone that if they refuse God's love they will face eternal separation from God in hell. Jesus is the answer.
3) Am I walking in Obedience Or Disobedience? 
God doesn't care how great of a person I was. He's concerned about if I'm walking in obedience today. God doesn't care how bad of a person I was. He's concerned about today. There's Hope for all of us. Let us receive Jesus but then walk in obedience to Jesus. Disobedience is to deny God's word and is to face God's wrath. Obedience or Disobedience? Which one describes us?
Have a blessed day!