Ezekiel Chapter 32. How many times do we have to hear this message before we respond?
It's been almost 2 years that Ezekiel has been prophesying against Pharaoh and Egypt. 
2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow about his promise [of coming back to Earth and getting all believers] as some say he is slow. But rather, he is patient towards us, not wishing that any of us would perish but that all would come to repentance [in Christ].
It's been about 10 years and Ezekiel is still prophesying against the nations. He doesn't prophesy once over a nation about God's coming wrath, but many times over a long period of time.  It is because God is a patient God not wishing that any would perish. He's hoping that they'll eventually hear the same message and then respond towards a relationship with the Lord.
God is also patient toward his creation in hopes that one day we all would surrender our lives to him. He doesn't wish that any of us would perish into eternal hell so He gives us several opportunities to make the right decision. Do we want the pleasures of the world or the joys of a relationship with Christ while serving him? It's our choice:
1) Choose life without Christ equals destruction and separation from God forever.
2) Choose a life with Christ equals eternal life in heaven with God.
This message will be heard by many over and over again. Some will accept Jesus and others will reject him. Just don't be surprised when You face eternity. 
God is lovingly patient with us as believers. Let us therefore be lovingly patient with those around us in hopes that one day they would receive the Lord Jesus.