Ezekiel Chapter 30. They will never believe there is a God!
In this chapter God again prophesies against Egypt and calls the people to lament over the destruction that is to come.  Twice God says when his destruction comes, then will the people know that God is the Lord.
Think about this: Egypt was so corrupt. Even the king felt he was a god. The real Lord God did not exist in their hearts and mind. They rejected God. But when destruction comes, then reality hits them and then they will acknowledge in their minds that God is the Lord.
Sadly, no mention of repentive hearts turning to the Lord. Just a mindful realization with no heart commitment.
All this makes me think: how many people, who are anti-God, non-believers, agnostics, hate Christians, who just plane want nothing to do with the thought of a God, end up turning to God when they face tragedies?
When they face specific tragedies in life, they end up having an “aha” moment where they have a hidden conversation with the very God they have denied and rejected completely from their lives.
What amazes me is that even the hardest non-believers have their God moments amongst disaster.
People we think would never come to the Lord, could be the very person who turns to the Lord.
As a challenge, don't give up loving, praying for, or even reaching out to the hardcore, anti-God people. One day they may have that hidden conversation with God because of the disaster in their lives. It is at that time they may remember you and how your faith stood out to them. You may become the holder of the HOPE that draws them to you to learn more about our Savior Jesus. 
– Pray for Lost Souls. 
– Love them. 
– Connect with them. 
– Make yourself available to God to be used as an instrument for the lost.