Ezekiel chapter 28. Pride don't just happen, we let it slowly seep in!
God prophesies against the king of Tyre. The king said I am a god and my throne is the seas. He said this because SO MUCH trade and wealth occurred on the seas. Success went to his head and he was unable to see that God was The God Who enabled his fortune and wealth. But instead, he took all the glory himself.
So God prophesied against the king saying you are not a god for you are mortal. By your wisdom and skills you have acquired great wealth and as a result you have become proud because you think you're wise, as wise as a god. Therefore, I will bring ruthless nations against you. You will die in the very sea that you said was your god throne. Then will you say I am a god? You will learn very quickly that you aren't a god but are a mere mortal man. Your success came not because you're a god but because I am God and allowed it.
God said that in the king's younger days he was blameless in his ways, but over time he became prideful and wicked. The God-given wisdom soon became corrupted wisdom because the king listened to the evil one's wisdom versus God's wisdom. As a result the king became destroyed and was no more.
You don't have to be rich to have a prideful heart. You can become good at something which could result in thinking it's by your wisdom and your greatness that you have become great at a talent, trade or skill.
I have seen youth who play football confess that it has gone to their head that they were invincible.
I have seen pastors brag about great success. Don't get me wrong, we need to share the testimonies that occur in our ministries and lives. But I've seen the heart of pastors talk of their success with prideful hearts as if to be saying look what I did. 
Please, any goodness that comes from us is because God has allowed it. Be careful not to let pride seep in because that which has been given to us to bring glory to God, can be quickly taken away because we let it bring glory to us.
Take extra time today to thank God for your gifts and abilities and for any success God has allowed you to have. Take the extra time today to pray that God would take away any pride in any area of your life. Trust me, for I am guilty of this, we all have pride in a certain area of our lives.
Have a great day!