Ezekiel Chapter 25. Live with no regrets.

God sends a prophecy against the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, and the Philistines. Because they did not care that His sanctuary was desecrated, that Israel was laid waste, and that Judah went into exile, God said that he would hand them over to the nations in the East. God said he would do all these things so they'll know that God is Lord.
These nations did not care about God and definitely did not care about God's people. Israel was a Lost Nation and destruction came upon them and these nations showed no love and mercy to Israel.
Perhaps there's a lesson we can learn from this. Do we care about the Christians who are struggling with their faith? Do we care about the lost? Do we care about those who are hurting? Or are we too busy with our lives that we don't “have time” for the others?
My number one Ministry is my spouse. Do I love her and treat her like she's my number one ministry? Then I also have a Ministry to my family. If God were to call any of my family members home, would I have regrets? What changes would I have to make so as to have no regrets?
Why do all these acts of love and service? Ultimately we want people to know that God is Lord. The same in reaching the lost around us: we want them to know the Lord, and give their lives to the Lord! God please use me so I have no regrets!

There was a lady that bought a lot of furniture from our family business over the years of her life. She acknowledged she didn't believe in God. A nice lady, but not a believer. Eventually she became deathly ill. Every time I drove by her house I felt compelled to stop and share Jesus with her. Each time I made excuses. Eventually she died. I have no idea if she ever received the Lord. I live with regret. God help me not make the same mistakes.