Ezekiel Chapter 24. Who or what do you put your hope in?

God declares to Ezekiel that he will lose the delight of his eyes but when he does, he is to show no lament and weep no tears. Ezekiel speaks to the people of Israel in the a.m. about what is to happen and in the p.m. Ezekiel's wife died. Ezekiel obeyed the Lord and did not lament or weep any tears. People asked what this had to do with them?!? Ezekiel responds that God is about to take away their delight, the sanctuary and their children. But they are not to weep for these things, for these things are not to be the most important thing in their lives. These things are not what they are to be putting their hope in. They are to put their hope in God and God alone.
NO thing and no person should be what we put our hope in. The Lord is where our hope belongs. To lose the Lord is to lose everything. 
1) We should not put our hope in our gifts, abilities, or talents. One day we will lose them. Then what? Depression settles in. We feel useless.
2) We should never put her hope in a relationship, no matter how awesome it seems. One day we may lose them, then what? Loneliness and depression, and no hope settles in.
3) We can't wait for the next stimulus check, as if the government is our provider and hope. Our hope is not to be put in the government but God is our provider. Put your hope in him.

Lord help me to put my hope in you and you alone. Thank you that I can trust you, but help me when I struggle trusting you! Have mercy on me!