It rained 40 days and nights and it says the water flooded the Earth 450 days or 5 months. This was God's wrath upon A people who refused to turn away from their sin and turn to God in a new life! That's what God wants us to do! Turn from sin and turn to him and let him through Christ make us a new person where we are living a holy life through Jesus.

The flood came because people chose a life of unholiness.

There are different aspects of God.
1. He is loving.
2. He is Holy.
3. He is just or Fair.

Sadly, the world only wants to look at the loving part of God. Their attitude is God is so loving he would never keep someone from heaven unless they killed or raped somebody. That's the attitude. But God is not just a loving God, he is also a holy God. And a holy God can't have unholy people in his presence.

That's why he sent Jesus to this Earth so that he could take our punishment and if we put our faith and trust in Jesus we can become holy through Jesus.

That's our ticket to heaven. To reject a holy God's solution to our unholy problem is the stay unholy. Let us remember God is also just and fair, and if we refuse God's means for forgiveness or God's way to be holy, then we will receive from God what is fair. To reject God is to reject heaven and is to enter into an eternal Lake of Fire called hell. God just didn't throw us there for no reason. He didn't throw us there because he hated us we enter there because we rejected his son Jesus in our lives. We get what we deserve. It's the consequence of living the life in sin away from God. In the days of Noah, the people received from God a punishment because they too refused to turn to God in holiness.

Where is your life today with Jesus? He is the answer for forgiveness of our sins so that we can be made holy and so that we can enter into the presence of a holy God in heaven. Do not reject this wonderful offer, because it results in a horrible consequence. The consequence is eternal separation from God in Hell.

Jesus loves you and died for you! What will you do with him in your life today?